“…well organized and researched two volumes Kotronias on the King’s Indian, Mar-del-Plata I and II. The Greek grandmaster provides original analysis and nicely simplifies the complex and risky defense.”
GM Lubomir Kavalek, Huffington Post
“I came slowly to the conclusion that Kotronias has actually done a superb job of organizing the material, and that Quality Chess has also done an excellent job of presenting the material. In particular, I felt that the main variations in each chapter very strongly reflected typical logical play for both sides in this variation, and that the large number of diagrams made it easy to follow without needing a board. This made it so much easier to give each variation a place in my head and to extract the typical themes from each line.”
GM Matthew Sadler, New in Chess, **** Excellent
“Kotronias is not just seeking half-a-point for his readers, he extols practical options for Black that are both theoretically sound whilst creating problems for the opponent. He pursues insight, often deep into the position, and tries to share it with the reader.”
GM Glenn Flear, New in Chess Yearbook
“An excellent reference book on this single variation in the King’s Indian.”
Dennis Calder (full review in German)