My System is at the top of a very short list of chess classics. Nimzowitsch’s ideas have had a profound influence on modern chess thinking. Most chess masters will at some point have studied Nimzowitsch’s work, and not to have read My System is by many regarded as a shocking gap in a chess player’s education.
The problem for an English-speaking audience has been that My System was written in German more than eighty years ago. The commonly-used contemporary translations have sounded dated for some time, and were always questionable: the translators frequently toned down many passages, fearing Nimzowitsch’s biting wit would be too controversial.
This edition uses a brand-new translation that recreates the author’s original intentions. For the first time an English-speaking audience can appreciate the true nature of a famous chess book.
Page 269: “It would serve no purpose to mention or even to hint at all the scorn and mockery which was directed at me; let it suffice to say that nobody has ever been mistreated like that in the whole history of chess. The reward for my new ideas consisted of abuse, or at best of systematic silence.”