“Compared with 10 or 15 years ago, the level of – for example – opening books is astonishingly high. Books like Negi’s series on 1.e4 or Gawain Jones’ excellent and profound effort on the Dragon in which top-class Grandmasters reveal secrets and consistently give concrete evaluations of positions (instead of the infamous ‘unclear’ or ‘with compensation’) were unheard of before.”
GM Matthew Sadler, New in Chess
“Jones is careful to point out standard motifs as they arise in his analysis. His notes are surprisingly verbose given how much ground he has to cover.
These two volumes provide a thorough and tested repertoire for the hardcore Dragoneer.”
John Hartmann, Chess Life
“The Dragon 1 and The Dragon 2 provide the most comprehensive and up-to date treatment of the Yugoslav Attack in the Sicilian Dragon… Both volumes are worthy representatives of the Grandmaster Repertoire series.”
Uwe Bekemann, www.bdf-fernschachbund.de