“It’s simply remarkable that there is so much useful information in only a modest-sized book. The author has a knack of finding the ideas that really matter without overloading the reader with superfluous references.
I have to admit that when I was allocated this book as one of those to review I imagined something rather tedious, but I was wrong! It’s an impressive effort yet again. There is so much new stuff, involving practical choices that don’t overload the memory, and yet the plans and thematic middlegames and endgames are also explained. So put away your prejudices, get hold of this book, and you’ll realize that playing the Queen’s Gambit can be great fun!”
GM Glenn Flear, New in Chess Yearbook
“The Queen’s Gambit Declined is a time honored answer to 1.d4 and the subject of the latest opening book by the Scottish publisher Quality Chess. It is the fourth book Nikolas Ntirlis has written or co-authored, and like his previous works it is characterized by an emphasis on topical lines accompanied by clear explanatory prose…
Playing 1.d4 d5 – A Classical Repertoire is an outstanding guide to an opening that never goes out of fashion.”
IM John Donaldson
Praise for the author’s previous work:
Playing 1.e4 e5: “Thorough, high-quality and surprisingly easy to read.” GM David Smerdon
“I thought I knew a fair amount about the Tarrasch, but after reading this book, I was amazed/aghast at how much I didn’t know!” GM Matthew Sadler, New in Chess