“With John Shaw in charge, the English language is pinpoint accurate, and when he adds in his dry Scottish humour you are sure to be won over with his prose. He often seems to be pointing out small, but relevant details, that others don’t take the time to notice, such as who played what and how many times and when, which signifies that… and so on. A sign that his research has been multi-dimensional.”
GM Glenn Flear, New in Chess Yearbook
“I am highly recommending this series – I had used so many of these lines and have gotten good positions in virtually all the time where I have tested the theory coverage from these books. Shaw’s writing style is fun to read, with flecks of dry humour littered throughout the book… these books have attained ‘must-have’ status for all 1.e4 players.”
IM Kevin Goh (full review)
“The book contains a good mix of variations, game fragments and complete model games, and brings some new ideas into circulation.
Overall, I can warmly recommend the book to all players with a penchant for dynamic positional play, who like to play for a win from solid positions.”
IM Dirk Schuh
Review of the author’s previous work:
“A fantastic publication that is clearly the result of a tremendous amount of work by Shaw, for which he deserves immense credit.”
GM David Smerdon, ChessVibes, reviewing The King’s Gambit