Forward Chess App
Quality Chess books on Mobile Devices
We are offering some of our books in digital format which allows you to read, and play through (!), our books on your mobile device. It can be used with (iPhone, Android, iPad).
To buy the digital version:
1. Install the Forward Chess app on your device. The app itself is free and available here:
iPhone and iPad or Android devices
2. Open the app
3. Go to the apps ‘store’ and purchase the books.
For further information about the app, and the Quality Chess books available in the format, visit:
Forward Chess
Offline reading is supported for mobile apps (Android and iOS) – the books are downloadable.
For web, Windows and MacOS, one needs to have internet access and the files are not downloadable.
Review of Forward Chess app by IM John Watson
“Several things distinguish this App and make it essential to know about. First, it has an imbedded analytical engine (Stockfish) which analyses the current position… More importantly, the Forward Chess App lets you make your own independent moves/analysis by tapping on squares of origin and destination, and then you can turn on the imbedded Stockfish engine to analyse those moves…
The other outstanding thing about ForwardChess is its selection of books. They put out ebook versions for a large number of chess publishers…
This is clearly an App that a chess book lover should download and browse through.”
Read the full review at The Week in Chess.