“It’s reassuring to see lines such as the Staunton Gambit receive such close attention with plenty of detailed analysis and novelties. The first chapter is also a useful universal reference section where all sorts of move order ploys are dissected. Marin’s positional appreciations will be welcomed by any reader who has a tendency to get confused by the labyrinth of different White set-ups…
I see this work as less of a book, but more of a series of masterclasses on the Dutch. I can see myself using it for years to come, maybe you should do the same?”
GM Glenn Flear, New in Chess Yearbook
“A two-volume work by the renowned author Mihail Marin, who is noted for his ability to clearly explain complex material.
Marin’s second volume, principally devoted to anti-Dutch lines like 2.Bg5, 2.Nc3 and 2.e4, might not interest a player with the Pirc or Modern in their opening repertoire as they could enter the Dutch via 1.d4 d6 2.c4 f5, but Marin makes the case there is nothing to fear when White avoids 2.c4. This volume also makes for essential reading if one wants to adopt the Dutch as an all-purpose answer to everything but 1.e4.
Those looking for an all-purpose answer to all of White’s major opening tries besides 1.e4 will find a repertoire based on the Leningrad Dutch fits the bill. Mihail Marin’s two volume series is the definitive guide.”
IM John Donaldson
Praise for the author’s previous work:
“Beautifully written and inspirational.” GM Luke McShane
“A typically lucid and thorough exposition from perhaps the most insightful and reliable chess author writing today.” GM Jonathan Rowson, New in Chess