“The exercises are not too difficult and the explanations are pitched at a very good level – just enough variations to make sense of the position, but not too many to make your eyes glaze over. Gormally writes in a very entertaining and picturesque manner: I will never again be able to look at a white pawn on g6 without thinking of the ‘Tower of Terror’!”
GM Matthew Sadler, New in Chess
“I’ve been waiting a long time for a book like this. A beautiful and neatly structured collection of motifs and ideas on attacking play.
I give it an unlimited recommendation for players of any strength.”
Lukas Wedrychowski (full review in German)
“I think Gormally hit a sweet spot when trying to balance how many variations to introduce in the text. Maybe in some examples it had less than I wanted them to be, but overall it has everything you need without drowning you in variations.
My conclusion about the book is very positive. I think that Gormally has made a great job with this book and players below 2300 fide will find it very interesting. I do not want to spoil other reviews for you, but if I were to buy one book on attacking chess, at the moment this would be it.”
Gollum (full review)